This is what our front door looked like back in the day when the land around our home was a Girl Scout Camp. Our home was called the Barb Munson Program Center. A two level pavilion of sorts that the Girl Scouts used for various functions.
The Girl Scouts decommissioned the camp on October 3, 2010, and eventually sold the land. In 2018, our neighbors who bought and developed the land, got to work on converting the pavilion into a home.
A couple who lives in the area purchased the home upon completion of the renovation. However, they never moved in due to personal reasons and re-listed the home for sale.
When we came along in the fall of 2020, the house had been on the market for a year or so. We stepped through the front door and knew immediately this was our home.
Now, that we’ve lived here for a year, there are two things I would have done differently if I were the one designing the home.
A more utilitarian type sink in the powder bath off the mudroom and kitchen (a project on our infinity list) and a front door with a full panel window.
I spend a lot of time sitting at what we call our game table. While I have a desk in another location, it’s where I prefer to work.
Tom and I also start our day at the table playing cards while enjoying our morning cup of coffee.
From our game table we have a beautiful view of behind our house and into the woods where we watch all the wildlife play.
My chair at the game table is situated to also have a full view of the front door. I realize most people don’t sit and think about their front door all that often. However, I did because of how much time I spent looking at it.
On multiple occasions I envisioned what it would be like if I could see through the door. And how much more light would come in the entry of home with another window.
I did have to convince Tom of my idea. After all, we had a perfectly good and practically brand new front door. I promised we’d use the door when we convert one of our picnic shelters into a tiny cabin.
To make it easy, I decided to replace the door with the exact same door in a full panel window. I love it.
“And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. God call the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning — the first day.” ~ Genesis 1:3-5

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