At one time the Girl Scouts owned our land and these were their picnic tables.
In our woods we have six (what were used as) day camp shelters. Each shelter has four picnic tables.
If you’re good at multiplication you know what that equals.
A plethora of picnic tables. We’ve got twenty-four of them give or take a few and have no idea what we are going to do with all of them.
I refinished one and gave a couple away. And Tom is using one as a makeshift work table/bench in the garage.
We recently moved the refinished table to our patio to use around the bonfire during the fall and winter months. It looks great and matches our Adirondack chairs.
Surely, there’s a Pinterest board full of creative picnic table creations. Or maybe I should start one.
If you have any creative ideas, send them my way.
“You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.” ~Psalms 23:5

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