I’ve never made holiday planters before so this is by no means the proper way to do it. I’m more of a get your hands dirty and just learn as you go type of gal.
And that’s exactly what I did.
It’s almost mid-November here in Western Wisconsin. The hardwood trees are dropping their leaves fast and snow is on its way. Over the weekend, I took the last of my fall mums to the flower graveyard and couldn’t have these pretty purple pots sit empty.
So, I decided to try my hand at doing my own holiday planters with branches from our backyard.
I enlisted Tom’s help with cutting the branches. We went into the woods and found some White Pines along with some Red Cedars.
The female Red Cedars have deep blue berries right now and I wanted to snip the branches before they change in color.
We had a Birch tree that fell over behind our house that Tom cut up into firewood and saved the twigs and branches for kindling (and decorating). I grabbed some of that from our (Girl Scouts day camp shelter we turned into a) wood shelter.
I had gardening soil on hand from this summer and just used that. Although, I think some people might use floral foam. My thought was I’d get the soil damp and then it would freeze all the branches in place. We will see if that holds true.
I started in the middle of the planter with the birch and then worked my way out filling in with branches. It’s not rocket science obviously.
After I completed one planter, I ran to Hobby Lobby and bought some berry picks because that’s what I see the “professionals” do. Nope, I did not like the look at all. I prefer the au natural look I guess.
While I am clearly not a floral designer, I am super happy with how they turned out. As is the deer at the very end of the bridge who walked right by when I was taking pictures. Look closely.
“Let the trees of the forest sing, let them sing for joy before the Lord, for he comes to judge the earth. Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.” ~1 Chronicles 16:33–34

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