They’re back! They’re back! The wild turkeys are back!
The turkeys were regular visitors to our backyard this past spring though mid-summer and then in early August they disappeared.
I often wondered where they just up and went to. At that time the poults (baby turkeys) were only a few months old.
Interesting tidbit. Back in 1881, the wild turkey population in Wisconsin went extinct. Until 1976, when the Wisconsin DNR made a trade of grouse for turkey with Missouri.
Pretty cool to think our wild turkeys are descendants of the Missouri turkeys.
They aren’t as tame as some of our deer so I wasn’t able to get too close with my camera.
If you haven’t seen a wild turkey up close, they really are quite unique looking. I wouldn’t describe them as pretty like so many of our other backyard birds.
Although, when the Tom (not to be confused with my Tom) puffs up his chest, spreads his feathers, and struts for the hens it’s pretty cool to see.
Maybe they don’t know that Thanksgiving is right around the corner. Or maybe the do. Either way they’re back and so fun to watch.
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” ~Philippians 4:6

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