Let the adventures of caring for baby chicks begin. We read, researched, watched YouTube videos, and talked to friends and family who’ve pecked the ground before us to prepare for our baby chicks. There’s no turning back now as we have twelve baby chicks living their best life in our garage. Choosing the Right Breed […]
Pileated Woodpecker
At the end of the summer of 2020, our little buddy was supposed to start kindergarten. However, the public school in his district was doing distance learning and requiring 5-year-olds to “go to school” in front of a computer for 6 hours a day. We just weren’t on board with that. By the grace of […]
Winter Blue Jay
I took this picture out the window next to our game table. It was a cold winter morning as you can see from the snow around the Blue Jay’s eye. In the bird world, Blue Jay’s get a bad rap as being bullies. Not in our backyard they aren’t. They rarely if ever eat from […]